Sunday, March 15, 2009

DesiGn & tEchNoLoGY vs RoBotIcs LeaRninG..

Design and technology learning offer opportunities for students to develop their designing and making skills, nurture creativity and innovation through designing and making, prepare students for making contribution to life and work in a technological society and explore values about and attitudes to the made world and how we live, work and interact within it.

The introduction of robotics education as a part of design and technology subject for this semester is really beneficial as the research literatures on robotics education in several developing countries such as Australia, Singapore and Japan show that Robotics is a popular and effective way for teachers as a teaching tool for introducing students to important areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics curriculum ( Johnson, 2003 & Perteet, 2005)

Jeneva Westendorf (2005)
also says, robotics is a tool for learning through experience and discovery. Introduction to robotics at a young age could open doors and piques the imaginations of all students, encouraging diversity in the fields of science and technology. Besides, robot also offer the opportunity for creative expression, problem solving and contructionist learning (Wagner, 1998).

Hope that we gain 'something' through robotics learning for this semester and able to use the knowledge and skills we have in our future teaching wolrd.. ^_^

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